In a moment, in a single breath, life can bring a storm so fierce that hope seems completely gone. In a desperate tinal attempt to hold on to whatever hope you have left, you may even look for a lifeboat - some kind of quick escape to save your soul - but the relentless waves of emptiness, pain, and fear, instantly convince you that you re going under and nothing can save you. And faith ... what you've so desperately held on to ... which has some-how, ironically brought you to this point, seems to work against you. Your struggle to have faith seems endless when doubt's argument against it is so strong. But you've missed something. You've forgotten. Jesus is with you. He's in the boat with you. He's never left you and never will. He knows every detail of the very storm you're in at this moment. He sees all and He knows all. And He's waiting for you to simply turn to Him. To stop trying and start trusting. To see His peace and enter into it. You can keep trying to bail water out of your boat, but all your efforts will be in vain. It's not about God testing your strength, the storm is about understanding your weakness and completely falling on the grace of Jesus' love for you. Your journey of faith is about continually learning to let go of your own expectations for your life and simply embracing God's plan for you, even if that includes a raging storm. He's promised not to harm you, He's promised to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future. What part of that promise are you doubting? In this moment, stop looking for a way out and realize that Jesus, Himseli, is about to take you through. What you see as the end is really just the beginning when your hope is in Him.
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